Teacher Training: Gel Electrophoresis with the MiniOne Unit
Teacher training and introduction to gel electrophoresis with the MiniOne System is a fun workshop for us (and for the teachers)! At our Bristol Community College workshop, we spent time training future science teachers how to prepare and run a gel electrophoresis...
DNA Analysis Workshop: New York Master Teacher Program
STEM teachers from the New York Master Teacher Program converged at SUNY Plattsburgh for a DNA Analysis Workshop with the MiniOne System Team and others. Our MiniOne System Team spent time demonstrating the technology advances of the MiniOne unit and shared some best...
STEM Education meet STEM Employment
“STEM employment growth is outpacing the general economy by about 300 percent. And, over the next five years, the United States is expected to add as many as 1.3 million new STEM jobs. And these positions aren’t just plentiful – they also pay well. In the United...
STEM Education and Gel Electrophoresis in the California Classroom
We’re located in southern California and we are continually impressed with the quality and availability of STEM education in our region and state. While we know there is a need for more STEM learning programs and opportunities, we are excited to see students...