Foodborne Outbreak MiniLab
Forensic science for public health investigation
- Based on a real-life Shigella outbreak from yr. 2000
- Includes a pencil and paper exercise and a student-designed gel electrophoresis experiment
- Use a cohort study and molecular assays to trace an outbreak to its source
- Demonstrate the need for positive and negative controls in molecular biology experiments
- Expose your students to career pathways in public health
Difficulty Level:
SKU: M3006
Lab techniques covered:
Gel Electrophoresis
Major HKDSE-related chapters: Infectious Disease, Recombinant DNA (Restriction enzyme), DNA fingerprinting. Electives: Microorganisms, PCR
Teacher and Student Guide downloads:
Materials included:
- 11 DNA samples
- GreenGel Cups
- Running buffer
- Pipette tips
- Microcentrifuge tubes