How Fast is the MiniOne PCR System?
50% Faster for PCR Lab in One Class Period
One of the barriers to teaching PCR-based labs is that the time required for the amplification cycles often exceeds a class period. MiniOne PCR System, with its advanced design, completes a typical amplification protocol 50% faster.
Active Heating and Cooling
Peltier element, instead of forced air, drives rapid temperature transitions therefore faster protocols. It can also be programmed to keep your samples at 4°C at the end of the run.
Specialized Algorithm
Peltier element, instead of forced air, drives rapid temperature transitions, and therefore faster protocols.

Surprisingly simple, affordable, understandable and worthwhile! I went into the demo thinking students wouldn’t get much out of doing PCR in the classroom… After the demo I realized how wrong I had been! After predicting what the results would be we ran gels and the results and the learning could not have been clearer! I now see that my students would benefit greatly by using this is my classroom.