FREE Classroom Activities
Free activities from MiniOne Systems and our collaborators build on the skills and concepts learned in MiniOne MiniLabs and extend the range of affordable hands-on labs you can do with your MiniOne Micropipettes, Electrophoresis, and PCR.MiniOne Standard Curve Activity
Calculate the sizes of unknown DNA bands using known molecular weight standard. This activity is compatible with any MiniOne molecular size standard or any MiniLab where a size standard is used.Pipette Art Project
Students learn accurate pipetting skills while creating original artwork. By Andrew Faiz, inspired by his students. Read the blog post about this project.Taste of Genetics AP Biology Extension Activities
Three engaging activities that build upon the Taste of Genetics MiniLab and the big ideas of AP Biology to create a cohesive introduction to bioinformatics and excite students about real-world uses of science practices.
Taste of Genetics Extension Activities Include:
Intro to NCBI Databases
Hardy-Weinberg Simulation
Exploring Sensory Evolution with NCBI BLAST