MiniOne PCR System with Android Mobile Controller (M4001)


MiniOne PCR System and the Android Mobile Control Tablet preloaded with the MiniOne PCR Control App is a fast, intuitive, and accessible system specifically for teaching hands-on DNA amplification in classrooms.

SKU: M4001 Category:


MiniOne PCR System has a 16-sample capacity, 4°C to 99°C temperature range with heated lid, constant temperature for PCR cycling programs, Peltier element for fast heating and cooling, intuitive app for programming and monitoring on a mobile device (Android, iPad, or iPhone), no cables or access to your school’s wifi needed. With the MiniOne PCR System, DNA samples are amplified and ready to run in one classroom period.

  • System includes one MiniOne Thermal Cycler for 16 samples
  • Power supply (12V, 100W, 100 – 240 VAC)
  • Heated lid to prevent condensation
  • 4°C to 99°C temperature range, samples held at 4°C at the end of every protocol
  • PCR cycling or constant temperature modes
  • Standard 30-cycle protocols can be adapted to complete in one classroom period
  • Intuitive graphical software app on mobile device for programming and monitoring
  • No cables or access to school wifi needed for connection to mobile device (Android or iPad or iPhone)
  • Real-time visualization of temperature cycling on mobile device
  • Protocols can be stored and edited on mobile device. Unlimited storage for protocols and data
  • FREE PCR validation reagent kit — Please note: one FREE PCR validation kit is included per order, regardless of number of MiniOne PCR Units purchased.
  • Android mobile device with 7-inch, full color graphic display, and preloaded with modern, student-centered App connected via Bluetooth® LE for programming and monitoring the MiniOne® PCR System.

Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 13 in

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