The Dilution Solution MiniLab (M3013)



In this MiniLab, students will perform the calculations needed to make dilute solutions from stock solutions, determine their dilution factors, and do both direct and serial dilutions. Results can be visualized on The Winston Fluorescence Reader (sold separately).

SKU: M3013 Category: Tags: , ,


In the lab, dilutions require more precision. Oftentimes reagents are colorless, or sample volumes are small, so dilutions may not look any different from the concentrate or from each other with just our eyes, so how can you tell how much your samples have been diluted? Fluorescence is commonly used in the laboratory as a tracer to help visually enhance your samples. In this MiniLab, students will perform the calculations needed to make dilute solutions from stock solutions, determine their dilution factors, and do both direct and serial dilutions and visualize their results on The Winston Fluorescence Reader (not included).

Materials Included in each MiniLab:

Each MiniLab contains enough materials for 10 workstations, 2 – 3 students per workstation.

  • 35 mL Fluorescein Concentrate
  • Ten 1 mL Transfer Pipettes
  • 1 bag of 1.75 mL micro centrifuge tubes
  •  30 Tube Labels for Fluorescein Concentrate
  • Teacher’s Guide

**Equipment required but not included:

Additional information

Weight 1.2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 5.5 × 4.5 in

Supporting Documents

Utilize these guides to make the most of your Dilution Solution MiniLab.