Pipetting and Gel Loading Practice Starter Kit (M3002KIT)


In this kit, students will use a calibrated target sheet onto which they will dispense colored dyes of various volumes, allowing them to learn how to read the dial of a pipette, dial it to the correct volume, and develop the mechanics to dispense. 



Pipetting is a fundamental and ubiquitous skill used in the molecular biology lab where samples volumes can be very small – possibly even scarce. Learning how to use a pipette requires understanding what volume range your pipette can dispense, dialing to the correct volume, dispensing into the correct location and mastering techniques to ensure you transfer the correct amount of liquid. 

In this kit, students will use a calibrated target sheet onto which they will dispense colored dyes of various volumes, allowing them to learn how to read the dial of a pipette, dial it to the correct volume, and develop the mechanics to dispense. 

Next, they will progress to loading into a practice agar disk with pre-formed wells. Agar is very similar in texture to agarose (used in electrophoresis), so students gain valuable practice and confidence before loading their electrophoresis gels. This practice helps eliminate torn wells and poorly-loaded samples, ensuring their success in future electrophoresis labs.

Materials included in each bundle:

Each MiniLab contains enough materials for 20 workstations, 2 – 3 students per workstation.

Included in each MiniLab:


  • Ten M2008 2-20uL p20 adjustable volume micropipettes
  • Twenty Precast agar gels
  • Twenty Practice pipetting sheets
  • Two Tubes of dye samples, 10 mL per tube
  • One bag of 1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  • One bag of 2-200 uL tips

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 7 in

Supporting Documents

Utilize these teachers guides and classroom handouts to get the most out of your Gel Loading Practice Kit.

* Teachers, please contact us for password to access this file.


Safety Data Sheets

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