MiniOne Impresses at Amgen Biotech Experience
Tooltip TextThe redesigned and upgraded MiniOne Electrophoresis System is sure making waves in the world of biotech education. We are pleased to report that ABE (Amgen Biotech Experience) educators are impressed with the advancements, especially the improved, more...
MiniOne Gets a Makeover – Improving Our DNA Separation System
Since the release of the classic MiniOne Electrophoresis System, we’ve reached out to teachers around the globe to get their reactions to our DNA separation hardware, consumables, and labs. Their responses have been overwhelmingly positive, but they’ve also provided...
Workshop at La Jolla Library – Foodborne Outbreak Investigation
An inquiry-based lab incorporating hypothesis testing, experimental design, and data analysis Give students the complete hands-on experience of running a molecular biology investigation from beginning to end while engaging them with a scenario based on a real-world...
DIY Bio Home Enthusiast
Running the MiniOne Gel Electrophoresis at Home by Su-Lin, DIY Bio Home Enthusiast The MiniOne system is a very convenient to use system for Gel Electrophoresis experiments at home. It contains everything you pretty much need to run the gel, and leaves you to focus...
New MiniLab for AP Biology – Foodborne Outbreak Investigation: Bad Food at a Good Party
As a follow up to Dr. Hyland’s Foodborne Outbreak workshop back in December, The MiniOne Team decided to also host a free Foodborne Outbreak Investigation workshop at the La Jolla/Riford Library – this time for AP Biology Teachers. Why Foodborne Outbreak? CSI...
Libraries as a Hub for Literacy – AND Science too!
Libraries began as a deliberate accumulation of documents and evolved into more identifiably as a hub for literacy, knowledge and learning. As pioneers, the La Jolla/Riford Library has taken the definition of, “library” to a whole new level by putting in a...
ASHG 2016 DNA Day Essay Contest
National DNA Day commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of the double helix of DNA in 1953. This year’s DNA Day is on Monday, April 25, 2016. Celebrate by participating in the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)...