Gel Loading Practice MiniLab (M3002)


Students can master the skills to load an agarose gel with the Gel Loading Practice Kit from MiniOne Systems.



Students can master loading, handling, and dispensing liquids with micropipettes – essential skills in any biotech lab – with the Gel Loading Practice Kit. Required for first-time micropipette users and strongly recommended for anyone who needs practice pipetting.

  • Learn how to handle and adjust a variable volume micropipette
  • Master pipetting technique with plastic target sheets
  • Develop gel loading skills with a practice agar gels. Practice gels have enough wells that every student can practice until they become confident with the technique
  • Gels can be fitted inside the MiniOne® carriage for a real-to-life gel loading experience
  • Optimal for 6-9th grade or first-time pipette users
  • Store in the refrigerator; guaranteed stable for six months with proper storage

Materials included in each MiniLab:

Each MiniLab contains enough materials for 20 workstations, 2 – 3 students per workstation.

Materials include:

  • Twenty precast agar gels
  • Twenty practice pipetting sheets
  • One 20 mL dropper bottle of dye
  • One bag of 0.65 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  • One bag of 2 – 200 µL micropipette tips

Equipment required but not included:

Additional information

Weight 1.7 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 5.5 × 4.5 in

Supporting Documents

* Teachers, please contact us for password to access this file.


Safety Data Sheets

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