Urine Trouble! MiniLab (M3021)


Someone has been horsing around with samples at the track! Students learn about phylogeny and electrophoresis with this fun, hands-on activity that can be completed in a class period.

SKU: M3021 Category: Tags: , ,


Horse racing can be an exceptionally competitive sport with major economic impact. It is also tightly regulated, to keep the races fair and the horses healthy. What happens when a race sample tests positive for a banned substance? Learn about mitochondrial DNA and how to use agarose electrophoresis to refute or confirm the original lab results. 

Ideal for students aged 11 – 17.

Materials Included in each MiniLab

Each MiniLab contains enough materials for 10 workstations, 2 – 3 students per workstation.

Materials include:

  • Four Ready-to-Load DNA samples
  • MiniOne Universal DNA Marker
  • Ten 1.0% agarose GreenGel™ GelCups
  • 100 mL Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) buffer concentrate
  • One bag of 0.65 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  • One bag of 2 – 200 µL micropipette tips

**Please note the following equipment is REQUIRED but not included: 


Additional information

Weight 1.2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 5.5 × 4.5 in

Supporting Documents

Teacher and Student Guides:

Utilize these teachers guides and classroom handouts to get the most out of your Urine Trouble! MiniLab.