MiniOne Blog

Learn more about upcoming events, news, and exciting updates at the MiniOne Blog.

Storing Casted Electrophoresis Gels – a Teacher Guest Blog

Storing Casted Electrophoresis Gels – a Teacher Guest Blog

Hello! I'm Diane, an AP Biology teacher who attended a recent MiniOne workshop in New Jersey, and I'd like to share an interesting revelation I had while working with my MiniOne DNA Electrophoresis System in my classroom: it's possible to store casted electrophoresis...

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Understanding Valley Fever: Key Facts at a Glance

Understanding Valley Fever: Key Facts at a Glance

While fungi play a crucial role in the environment and food web, medicine, food production, environmental cleanup, research and industry, biotechnology and agriculture, some species of fungi can pose serious health risks. There’s a reason you’re not supposed to eat...

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Celebrating 10 Years of MiniOne

Celebrating 10 Years of MiniOne

Time flies when you're having fun and getting great results - the MiniOne Electrophoresis System turns 10 years old this year! Our game-changing set up was launched 10 years ago at the 2014 NSTA annual convention in Boston. At NSTA 2014, the inventor Winston Walker...

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Biotechnology Classes At-Home Edition – MiraCosta

Biotechnology Classes At-Home Edition – MiraCosta

Note:  This article was is re-shared from the Innovate Bio website by Daria Sharko, a biotech student at MiraCosta College in California. Ms. Sharko contributed the photos as well. Having biotechnology classes during the pandemic took an unexpected turn in...

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The Gift of Game-Changing Biotech!

It's been a strange year for us all, with birthdays come and gone with little fanfare. So our hearts were warmed this fall when a message was received from a gentleman who reached out requesting more information about our MiniOne PCR and Electrophoresis Package -- but...

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A Student’s Experience Exploring Electrophoresis – @Home!

This is a guest post by Audrey Moehring, a senior at Union High School in Vancouver, Washington. Thanks so much Audrey for your hard work and this great contribution to the blog! One of the greatest highlights of my high school career has been volunteering for Union...

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MiniOne MiniLabs

Complete lab kits for hands-on learning.