genetics lab

Showing all 7 results

  • huntington's disease genetics lab

    Hunting the Inheritance of Huntington’s Disease MiniLab (M3010)

    $119.00 M3010
  • A Taste of Genetics MiniLab

    A Taste of Genetics MiniLab

  • Sickle Cell MiniLab (M3050)

    $119.00 M3050
  • Determining the Genetics of a Ca$h Cow MiniLab (M3011)

    $74.00 M3011
  • A Taste of Genetics MiniLab with Electrophoresis Reagents (M6010)

    $139.00 M6010
  • A Taste of Genetics MiniLab with Electrophoresis Reagents and Micropipette Tips (M6013)

    $189.00 M6013
  • A Taste of Genetics MiniLab

    A Taste of Genetics MiniLab – Reagents and Tubes (M6012)

    $119.00 M6012