AP Bio Fundamentals Single User Reagent Set, 4 lab activities (M3084)


Explain biological phenomena at a molecular level. The AP Bio Fundamentals Single User Reagent Set includes 4 activities that examine both Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance to compare and contrast different types of inheritance.

Pre-aliquoted for individual workstations, these single user reagent sets are ideal for the busy classroom or in a distance learning environment.



Explain biological phenomena at a molecular level. The AP Bio Fundamentals Single User Reagent Set lets you examine both Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance to compare and contrast different types of inheritance. 

First, students develop pipetting skills with a 2-part, hands-on activity: dialing a pipette to a volume that corresponds to the amount identified on the pipette practice card, and then practicing loading into a soft agar disk with wells to simulate loading into an agarose gel. 

Next learn about how restriction enzymes work by running DNA samples with single cuts and a double cut, and evaluate the results on a gel. 

Using this foundation, see how restriction enzymes can help identify a single nucleotide polymorphism that can be used to determine the difference between two alleles for the bitter taste. The different alleles can be visualized by electrophoresis, which can be used to help explain how Jillian became a non-taster in her family of tasters. Also, learn how to use a standard curve to determine the fragment sizes of the resulting DNA bands.

Finally, take a look at a Huntington’s Disease case study, and help piece together this genetic puzzle to build out a family tree, learn about the unique ways HD is inherited, and help a couple understand the risks their kids face of inheriting this deadly disease. 

The single user reagent sets are pre-aliquoted for an individual workstation making it easy for you to open the pack and start your electrophoresis with even less prep. These activities require a MiniOne Electrophoresis System with p20 pipette (not included).

Single User Reagent Set Materials included for ONE workstation:

1 Gel Loading Practice Single User Reagent Set

  • One Gel Loading Practice Agar Disk with Preformed Wells
  • One backup set of agarose gel cubes
  • One Pipette Target
  • One set of dye samples


1 Restriction Digest Basics Single User Reagent Set

  • Five DNA samples (three pre-digested, one undigested, MiniOne Marker)
  • One 1.5% agarose GreenGel™ Cup
  • One backup set of agarose gel cubes
  • One tube of TBE Buffer, enough to make 135 mL of 1X running buffer


1 PTC Inheritance and Graphical Analysis Single User Reagent Set

  • Six DNA samples (5 family members plus MiniOne DNA Marker)
  • One each PTC Taste strip and taste control paper
  • One 2% agarose GreenGel™ Cup
  • One backup set of agarose gel cubes
  • One tube of TBE Buffer, enough to make 135 mL of 1X running buffer
  • One bag of 2 – 200 µL micropipette tips


1 Huntington’s Disease Single User Reagent Set

  • Five DNA samples (Four family members plus MiniOne 100bp Marker)
  • One 2% agarose GreenGel™ Cup
  • One backup set of agarose gel cubes
  • One tube of TBE Buffer, enough to make 135 mL of 1X running buffer
  • One bag of 2 – 200 µL micropipette tips

**Please note the following equipment is REQUIRED but not included: 

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 4.5 × 4.5 in

Supporting Documents

For guides, documents, and safety sheets, please refer to the product pages for the included labs.

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