MiniOne MiniLab Guides
European customers: please click here for translated teacher and student guides
* Teachers, please contact us for password to access these files.
Electrophoresis 101 MiniLab (M3001)
Gel Loading Practice Kit (M3002)
PTC Genetics MiniLab (M3003)
DNA Fingerprinting MiniLab (M3004)
CSI Forensics MiniLab (M3005)
Foodborne Outbreak Investigation MiniLab (M3006)
- Teacher’s Guide*
- Student’s Guide
- Teacher’s Quiz Bank*
- Student’s Quiz Bank
- Teacher’s Gel Analysis*
- Student’s Gel Analysis
Colorful Dye Electrophoresis MiniLab (M3007)
PTC Inheritance and Graphical Analysis MiniLab (M3012, M3012-5SU)
PCR 101 and Gel Electrophoresis MiniLab (M6001-6004)
A Taste of Genetics MiniLab (M6010-6012)
Restriction Digest Basics MiniLab (M6050)
Restriction Analysis of DNA MiniLab (M6053)
Candy Color Electrophoresis MiniLab (M3009)
PCR Cycle Number Analysis MiniLab (M6005)
Hunting the Inheritance of Huntington’s Disease MiniLab (M3010)
Determining the Genetics of a Cash Cow MiniLab (M3011)
Who has the Flu: Tracing Transmission with ELISA and PCR MiniLab (M6030)
Dilution Solution MiniLab (M3013):
Taking Macrocolecules to Micro (M3014)
For Macromolecule MiniLab lot numbers 090123 and newer:
For Macromolecule MiniLab lot numbers older than 090123:
DNA Extraction Toolbox (M3015):
What’s in the Trunk? An Elephant Ivory Expedition (M3016TAE)
- Teacher’s Guide*
- Student Guide with Fragment Length Analysis
- Student Guide with STR Genotyping Analysis
Molecular Ladder to Freedom – DNA Exoneration MiniLab (M3018TAE)
- Teacher’s Guide*
- Student Guide with Fragment Length Analysis
- Student Guide with STR Genotyping Analysis
Let It Glow Bacterial Transformation MiniLab (M6300)
Sickle Cell MiniLab (M3050)
- M3050 Sickle Cell MiniLab Student Guide with Case Study v010123
- M3050 Sickle Cell MiniLab Teacher Guide* with Case Study v010123
- Teacher Prep* v123019 – prep and protocol only, no background
- Student Protocol v123019 – protocol only
Hypercholesterolemia MiniLab (M3051)
- M3051 Hypercholesterolemia Teacher Prep and Protocol v091922 – Includes FH carrier control.
- M3051 Hypercholesterolemia Student Protocol 091922 – Includes FH carrier control.
- M3051 Hypercholesterolemia MiniLab Student’s Guide with Case Study v091922 – Includes FH carrier control. This student guide provides background and case study information.
- M3051 Hypercholesterolemia MiniLab Teacher’s Guide with Case Study v091922 – Includes FH carrier control. This teacher guide provides background and case study information.
DNA Detectives Reagent Pack (M3052)
Analyzing a Crime Scene with DNA Reagent Pack (M3053)
BRCA Chronicles: Breast Cancer Genetics MiniLab (M3054)
- Teacher’s Guide * This teacher guide provides background and case study information.
- Student Guide with Case Study This student guide provides background and case study information.